Archive for December, 2018

Ups and Downs

December 18, 2018

It has been an up and down few weeks for me. But, now I am focused on all the holiday cards and messages I have been receiving. Hearing about everyone’s good news and what they have done this past year has helped me to think past the downs and think about the good that goes on all the time.

Yes, I had to have some of the siding on my house replaced. I had a visit from some woodpeckers who let me know I had wet wood which had invited some insects to find a home. This allowed some woodpeckers to find some food and let me know I had a problem.

So looking at things that way helps me to realize a few shingles replaced is not a big deal. Yes, I hit a big pothole and needed to get my car realigned. But I’m OK, my car is OK, and hopefully I’ll see the next pothole before I hit it.

It’s likely that I hit the pothole because I was busy looking out for deer and bears. Some of my neighbors have seen bears (or maybe just one at this time of year?). They have posted videos and still photographs of the bear. Back when the weather was a bit nicer they had even posted videos of bears swimming in their pools.

I have been receiving end of year letters and pictures from friends who live both near and far. I have really enjoyed seeing how much the children have grown and learning about their accomplishments during this past year has been great. Reading about what my friends have done and plan to do is very rewarding for me. I have friends and relatives of all different political persuasions and I believe that we are lucky that we remain friends and continue to respect each other’s different views.

In addition to cards and letters, I have being seeing people in person whom I haven’t seen in several years as they have come home to visit both family and friends. Each of them tells me what has happened in their families since the last time we have seen each other. I also tell them about what is new with my family and me. We all take joy in the good in each other’s lives and we also express our concern and best wishes to those who have or are experiencing difficult situations.

I am looking forward to the New Year and all the experiences that will be waiting for me as I travel through 2019. I also look forward to everything that I will learn next year. Hopefully, I will also be able to share some of those learnings with others. Perhaps my experiences will be of interest to some and maybe even help them to experience rewarding outcomes.

I wish all of you who are reading this post a very happy and healthy New Year and a year full of good experiences and opportunities to learn and grow. And I wish everyone a collection of wonderful friends, new and old as good as my own!


December 4, 2018

As I sit here listening to all the advertisements and promos for holiday shopping, I think back on the year and also wonder what the New Year will bring. Yes, this is usually what people do at the very end or beginning of the year. Why am I thinking about these things in early December? I don’t know, but I am. Maybe I’m ahead of myself, but this past year was different for me. I had some very real highs and also some lows. In the past when I’ve looked back and forward things were pretty much on an even keel. Not too big and not too small. I admit that I like things even-keeled, probably because that is what I’m used to.

I’m also thinking about what I learned and what I still want to learn. My most profound learning this year didn’t come from a class or a book or any other formal learning event. It was from a friend who was given a very poor health prognosis. But, she is enjoying her life, she is putting her best face forward and working to enjoy whatever time she has left.

I’m thinking about doing things that I have never done, and which things I want to do again. I, for sure, want to go home to New York City over and over again as I did this past year. Too many years have gone by when I haven’t gone home. I have some very good memories of all of my trips home and I very much hope that I can add more good New York City memories next year.

As I think about this year I think about how much I enjoyed visits from family members who no longer live nearby. I also very much enjoyed a trip to Florida with a good friend and meeting people along the way. I love the theater and during the last year I attended several good performances. Some of the best were from local troupes.

So yes, on balance, the good outweighs the not so good. I don’t want to dwell on those things that weren’t good. I’d much rather think about what was good and what was fun and what I was able to share with others.

Over the years I have lived in many places and have made friends that I still keep in touch with. I have friends who live in the many places I’ve been and others who used to live near me but have moved around the country (and across the pond). I have visited friends in many places and have had them come to visit me as well.

In my role as a learning consultant I have traveled to many places and met many people. In some cases I was able to be a bit of a tourist but not as often as I’d prefer. I remember several events at airport hotels so as to afford most of the participants to incur reduced expenses.

I often think I’d like to return and this time be the tourist. Maybe I’ll find a way to do so next year. Maybe I’ll find the time to travel for pleasure. Until recently, most of my travel has been for business. Or maybe I’ll stay at home and take the opportunity to explore local attractions.

Actually, when I think about it, there are all sorts of opportunities to learn and enjoy life for all of us. As I continue my rumination, I hope that you too will find ways to enjoy your life while you learn and explore.

These are my thoughts going into December. I’m sure they will expand as the month goes on.