Better Resume Development Through Teamwork

Here are some of my thoughts on ways to develop or update your resume. Working with a colleague who also needs to update their resume can allow you both to effectively update your resumes. It is important to have a current resume even if you are not currently looking for another position. There are many good reasons to have a current resume. Maybe your manager wants to present expertise in their group; maybe you will be invited to speak to a class about what you do. There are many other circumstances in which a current resume is a good thing to have, so take the time to update your resume. You won’t be sorry.

To begin with, keep in mind that your resume is what you are presenting to the reader about yourself. It is what you are saying about yourself and your background. Therefore it is unwise to say how great you are, as the reader won’t be impressed with you just saying you are the best thing since sliced bread. You need to share accomplishments and results that tell your readers what you have done rather than having a statement that says you are wonderful but doesn’t explain why.

Maybe you think you need help in presenting your accomplishments. One way to get this help is to work with a colleague to identify what you each have done that shows experience and success. Here are some things that I recommend you do. Starting with documenting everything as you go along. You may not use everything, but you won’t know what you want to keep until you are done.

In general I have found that people find it much easier to talk to someone else’s accomplishments instead of their own. Here are some pointers to consider:

  • List 3 work related things that they did in their current role that resulted in successful outcomes
  • Describe each of the outcomes; explain what made them successful
  • Explain how the knowledge and skills used to create each outcome could be applied to one or more different situations. Describe some of the different situations
    • For example your colleague created a new process for handling requests coming in to the organization. You can talk to how the process could be used for other types of requests or inquires.
  • Now look at what your colleague documented about your successes. Is there anything you can add to what they said about your accomplishments? What did you do that was different but yet could also be applied to another situation?
    • For example you documented a process and identified where things could go wrong and the steps needed to mitigate issues
  • When you are both satisfied with the 3 activities from your current role go ahead and add as many additional key accomplishments for your colleague as you can. Use the same process.
  • Review the accomplishments developed for you. Are there any additional accomplishments that you want to add that your colleague may not be able to document? If yes, go ahead and add them using the same process.
  • Next move down through each of your prior roles. It is likely that you will have to develop the accomplishment statements for yourself as your current colleague most likely didn’t work with you in your prior roles. Use the same techniques you used for developing statements about your colleague. Maybe you only want to list a few accomplishments or maybe even one for a previous role. That is OK; go ahead and work through your prior roles.
  • When you have completed this activity, which at this point is still a draft, review what you have. Are there things that you don’t want to do again? If yes, delete them. You do not have to list everything you have done in the past if it isn’t something you want to do again.
  • Do you like the way these statements are presenting you? If not work with your partner to modify them until you are comfortable with the way the statement presents you.
  • Step back and consider whether there are accomplishments that are not yet listed. Work with your partner to document them.
  • When you are comfortable with your success statements it is time to consider if you have too many. A resume should be no more than two pages, with white space for notes. Consider that you also need to add your education. You may also want to add a summary statement at the top.
  • Once you are done you may want to share it with others to get their feedback. Does it effectively communicate what you want a reader to take away from your resume? Essentially you are field-testing your resume.

I hope you find this process helpful and that you wind up with a current resume that you can add to as time goes on. As you add things, remember that a two-page resume is ideal. If need be, find line items to delete.

Good Luck!

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